Living In My Shoes

This blog is about sharing our lives with each other. Please comment and let us all into your shoes. I promise to let you into mine!


Okey I am officially in love with blogging. So far my two favorite blogs I have found are and I am still on the lookout for more great blogs. I promise to tell you about any others I find that I deem good enough to read. Luv ya lots!!


Below is a short poem that I wrote recently:

Morning Flowers:

Fresh flowers
from my garden
grace my sadden

They brighten up
the morning
yet cease to ease
my mourning.

have yet
to truly

Dear Bloggers,
I know I have not posted anything in a while. I was searching the web and I found some great homemade recipes for face masks, scrubs, ect. I found them all at

Here are some of my favorites:

Sweet Strawberry Facial Mask
(oily skin) By: Pioneer Thinking

8 - 9 whole strawberries
3 tablespoons honey

The Instructions
Using a fork mash strawberries into a pulp, add honey. Mix. Don't over blend or it will be runny. Apply directly to the skin, let sit for a few minutes then rinse off.

Gentle Facial Cleanser
By: Pioneer Thinking

The Ingredients
1/2 cup oatmeal or cornmeal
plain yogurt (add enough yogurt to form a paste)

For a gentle facial cleanser mix ingredients, smooth over entire face avoiding eye area. Wash off with warm water.

Banana Supreme Facial Mask
(dry skin) By: Pioneer Thinking

The Ingredients
2 medium bananas
* honey optional

The Instructions
Mash bananas with a fork...dont over mash or it will be too runny. Add honey* if desired. Smooth over skin, let sit for 10 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

I hope you like them. There are millions more fun and inexpnsive recipes at the website!!


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