Living In My Shoes

This blog is about sharing our lives with each other. Please comment and let us all into your shoes. I promise to let you into mine!


Hey bloggers! It's been a while since I have posted anything. I think a whole year! Well, here are a few new poems of mine that I have written recently:

Piano Keys

Piano keys
create a beat
tap you foot
and grab a seat
and listen to
the blind man’s words
of wisdom.

Piano keys
dance between
a young man’s fingers
till they gleam
stealing the night

These little keys
dance the streets
into homes
of thunder.

They dance beneath
stark green leaves
and watch
as flowers

They sing the song
of life gone wrong
of dark melodies
to come
of words unsaid
of memories erased
of unforgiven dreams
that plague.

These black and white
piano keys
whisper darkness
whisper please
do not forget
of little me.

They continue on
to dance beyond
your visions
your dreams.

piano keys
for one day
will stand


Reality is more
than what is

It is more
than what was

It is more
than what will

It is the means
to an end.

It comes
and goes
but never stays.

A visitor
in it’s house.

It borders on
testing what Time
will tell.

Neither here
nor there
but somewhere
in between
lies the common ground
in which
can be seen.


Hey bloggers!!

Today I think I will name my top ten favorite movies of all time:

1. A League of Their Own

2. Pretty In Pink/ The Breakfast Club

3. Roman Holiday

4. Sabrina

5. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

6. Bridget Jones' Diary

7. Meet Me In St. Louis

8. The Sound Of Music

9. An Affair To Remember

10. Breakfast At Tiffany's


Hello, bloggers!!
Here are a couple of more poems that I wrote:


that never end
cover the skies
and engulf the mountains
leaving us

Their colors bright
against the white
they’re a fleeting memory
come the night
but still they come
a silent mouse
creeping over
the hills at bay
a slow smile sweeping
upon this day

Red, yellow
they mark the sky
as a bruise marks
a broken heart

They stretch on for miles
never ending
its trail flat
against the clouds
making a path
to follow.

Where this rainbow leads
no one knows
for some things are left
to chance
but as we watch
in its trance
we cannot help
but wonder
where does
this never ending rainbow
and where
does life


Burning desire
fills my soul
my heart on fire
blackened charcoal.

His love for her
fills the weeping night
singing their song.

Rage explodes
anger permits
harsh words said
a test of their limits.

and tears
the four stages of love,
gone through the years.

All that is left,
an empty black hole,
dividing their souls
on every dark road.

The end will come
to those who wait
for one never knows
ones own fate.

and tears
the four stages of love
gone through the years.


Hey, bloggers!!

I know it has been forever since I last posted. I love, love books of every type!!!! Today I have decided to list my top ten favorite authors!!!! I will try to list my top tens at least once a month!! Here they are:

1. Jane Austen ( the one author every woman should read and the writer of my favorite books Pride and Prejudice and Emma )

2. Daphene Du Maurier ( I love, love Rebecca)

3. Jodi Picault ( Everyone should read The Pact and My Sister's Keeper, which had me sobbing at the end. I own every single one of her books and lend them our to all my friends. I recommend her to everyone.)

4. Gerda Weissman ( A Holocaust survivor who has a beautiful heart and even better books. Read her memoirs in All But My Life)

5. Maya Angelou ( Maya is my favorite poet and her book I Know Why The Cadged Bird Sings speaks volumes about her difficult life)

6. JK Rowling (I think everyone agrees that Harry Potter is the number one most beloved fictional character of all time! I absolutely love her books)

7. Stephen King ( the master at terrifying you into locking yourself into a room while reading his book....he is just too good. The Shining will make you think twice about staying in any hotel)

8. Andrew Morton ( the book Diana: Her True Story is a deep and compelling biography on one of the most loved woman in England: Princess Diana)

9. Agatha Christie ( the most famous mystery writer in the world....need I say more. She created my all time favorite dective Mr. Hercule Poirot )

10. Sofie Kinsella ( Her Shopaholic novels are adorable and favorite type of chick lit)

Here are some extra writers that are just a great to read:

*Any of the Bronte Sisters

* Louisa May Alcott

*Jane Green

*Jennifer Weiner

*Jill Churchhill

*Emily Griffin


Okey I am officially in love with blogging. So far my two favorite blogs I have found are and I am still on the lookout for more great blogs. I promise to tell you about any others I find that I deem good enough to read. Luv ya lots!!


Below is a short poem that I wrote recently:

Morning Flowers:

Fresh flowers
from my garden
grace my sadden

They brighten up
the morning
yet cease to ease
my mourning.

have yet
to truly

Dear Bloggers,
I know I have not posted anything in a while. I was searching the web and I found some great homemade recipes for face masks, scrubs, ect. I found them all at

Here are some of my favorites:

Sweet Strawberry Facial Mask
(oily skin) By: Pioneer Thinking

8 - 9 whole strawberries
3 tablespoons honey

The Instructions
Using a fork mash strawberries into a pulp, add honey. Mix. Don't over blend or it will be runny. Apply directly to the skin, let sit for a few minutes then rinse off.

Gentle Facial Cleanser
By: Pioneer Thinking

The Ingredients
1/2 cup oatmeal or cornmeal
plain yogurt (add enough yogurt to form a paste)

For a gentle facial cleanser mix ingredients, smooth over entire face avoiding eye area. Wash off with warm water.

Banana Supreme Facial Mask
(dry skin) By: Pioneer Thinking

The Ingredients
2 medium bananas
* honey optional

The Instructions
Mash bananas with a fork...dont over mash or it will be too runny. Add honey* if desired. Smooth over skin, let sit for 10 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

I hope you like them. There are millions more fun and inexpnsive recipes at the website!!



Hello, again!

Since one of my passions is peotry, I have decided to post my poems. Here is one of my favorite poems and one of the first I ever wrote.

A Ticking Clock

A fragement of life
an afterthought
one pure moment
that never stops
for when it does
reality appears
like a ticking clock
that guides you through
the years.

Passes hours,
passes minutes
life's a ticking clock
to be stoppped.



"To truly be happy is to live in the company of those you love."

In life, we are given only so many pleasures, so many passions. I have decided to dedicate this blog to anyone who has a passion in life. My passions are helping the world and making an impact in other people's lives. I want to help the world, no I need to. So this is my blog, where my passions and the passions of those who come here are celebrated. I have many passions in my life including writing and peotry. I love to run and to laugh. I love to meet new people and make new friends. I love to live.

Every person who enters my blog is welcome to post about their passions. In fact, I encourage it. So come here, relax, read a little poetry, and share the things important to your life. This blog is for you, so enjoy. I hope you have a good time!


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